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Your donation supports the efforts to pass bond and levy campaigns for Spokane Public Schools. These crucial funds are used to get the word out about the importance of voting Yes for Kids!

Donating online below or by check is easy and secure!

The Public Disclosure Commission requires us to collect the fields of information. We appreciate the extra time and effort you are taking to help the community vote Yes for Kids!

Interested in making a monthly or quarterly donation? Send us an email! 

Mail a check to:
Citizens for Spokane Schools, P.O. Box 262, Spokane, WA 99210

Thank you!

Contributions to Citizens for Spokane Schools are not tax deductible and are not subject to limited amounts.

Contributions to Citizens for Spokane Schools are not tax deductible and are not subject to limited amounts.
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Paid for by
Citizens for Spokane Schools
WA State Political Action Committee
P.O. Box 262, Spokane, WA 99210
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